Why a Topographic Survey?
A Topographic survey is a collection of three-dimensional ground, vegetation, natural and structural features used to generate a general surface model of an area of land. It is often the first step in land development. The Topographic survey can be used to determine land development, volumetric calculations, lot grading/drainage plans, roadway routes and other proposed design considerations.
Why a Lot Grading Plan?
Lot grading plans consider existing ground slopes, features, vegetation and structures through analysis and engineering design best practices. They promote surface drainage away from proposed construction to a suitable outlet where water can be released at a controlled rate, without affecting or impacting neighbouring properties.
Why a Site Plan?
A site plan depicts existing and proposed features for an area which is typically a parcel of land to be developed. Site plans can show structures, vegetation, natural features, ground features, sanitary/storm sewers, water mains and lighting. Setbacks to property boundaries can be shown and are general only. Lot area, lot coverage, planning information for municipalities and zoning information may also be included on a site plan.